so called fact checkers like Politifact claim that anybody can report anything to VAERS. FACTS: Healthcare providers are required by law to report to VAERS:.....Healthcare providers are encouraged to report to VAERS any additional clinically significant AEs following vaccination, even if they are not sure whether the vaccine caused the event.-----Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment. This tool is supposed to be used by CDC as an 'early warning system' so they can INVESTIGATE claims. Like calling 911. People sometimes call 911 for bogus reasons, but when the cops get there, they check it out. CDC seems to want to avoid its own tool for investigations. SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. PERIOD. Of course, PROVING causality between A Vax and an adverse event is next to impossible anyway and they have a STRONG financial interest in looking the other way.
In “Causality Assessment of Adverse Events Reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).” This is a study of 100 reports of which 13 were deaths, one of which was deemed possibly causal. Wouldn't 1 out of 13 be a better number to use than the 23% which includes all reports? You can't make any hasty generalization based on a N of 13 for which the study was not designed to answer. You can't apply the 23% to just the Deaths in VAERS, you would have to apply it to the full number of all AEs in VAERS. "Assessment of VAERS reports identified that causality was thought to be probable or definite in less than one quarter of reports, and these were dominated by local reactions, allergic reactions, or symptoms known to be associated with the vaccine administered." So you could really only apply the number to the minor reactions.
Kostoff ( “If fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported, how well does this sample reflect the total number of adverse events actually experienced? This is not a randomly-selected sample, as would be required for a statistically-valid result. Thus, even analyses of short-term adverse effects based on VAERS data are severely flawed.” How do you address his statement.
If you are using Open VAERS, don’t you have to toggle to the right for the proper domestic number? That number of deaths would be 8986. The 19k number includes non-domestic reports as well.
so called fact checkers like Politifact claim that anybody can report anything to VAERS. FACTS: Healthcare providers are required by law to report to VAERS:.....Healthcare providers are encouraged to report to VAERS any additional clinically significant AEs following vaccination, even if they are not sure whether the vaccine caused the event.-----Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment. This tool is supposed to be used by CDC as an 'early warning system' so they can INVESTIGATE claims. Like calling 911. People sometimes call 911 for bogus reasons, but when the cops get there, they check it out. CDC seems to want to avoid its own tool for investigations. SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. PERIOD. Of course, PROVING causality between A Vax and an adverse event is next to impossible anyway and they have a STRONG financial interest in looking the other way.
Let's not be conservative for a minute
Then you get what like a million deaths in the great America
From the vaxxine
The RFK Jr real Toni F has the figure of 150k dead from vaxx offered by Steve Kirsch after study 8 ways...
Medicare Medicaid shows excess 50 k dead from like 20percent of population so times 5 equal quarter million dead
But the excess deaths since vaxxx started is to me the number to see
What is it? How many millions?
Stop the Evill vaxxine
End the fear campaign
Jail Fauci and Gates and many more
That's right, jail for the criminals...
They already put us all into solitary
That is torture
Stop the terror now.
Pray and act...
Make it all stop today.
Jail is too good for these monsters
It is still a very low efficacy number... Billy G and Friends were expecting much better numbers.
Oh it ain’t over yet
In “Causality Assessment of Adverse Events Reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).” This is a study of 100 reports of which 13 were deaths, one of which was deemed possibly causal. Wouldn't 1 out of 13 be a better number to use than the 23% which includes all reports? You can't make any hasty generalization based on a N of 13 for which the study was not designed to answer. You can't apply the 23% to just the Deaths in VAERS, you would have to apply it to the full number of all AEs in VAERS. "Assessment of VAERS reports identified that causality was thought to be probable or definite in less than one quarter of reports, and these were dominated by local reactions, allergic reactions, or symptoms known to be associated with the vaccine administered." So you could really only apply the number to the minor reactions.
Kostoff ( “If fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported, how well does this sample reflect the total number of adverse events actually experienced? This is not a randomly-selected sample, as would be required for a statistically-valid result. Thus, even analyses of short-term adverse effects based on VAERS data are severely flawed.” How do you address his statement.
If you are using Open VAERS, don’t you have to toggle to the right for the proper domestic number? That number of deaths would be 8986. The 19k number includes non-domestic reports as well.
You are correct, thank you. I am fixing it.