Given this bureaucratic reflex brought all these woes upon our heads and given the criminal neglect of science I think the plan is to have perpetual crisis and one party rule.
In order to travel, take a cruise, etc you have to prove you’ve had the jab. So do you give to the totalitarians and try to enjoy your retirement or sit home and cry in your beer? Damn these people to hell!
We should recognize that all the graph tells us is that individuals are becoming sick contemporaneously as a result of some external factor, but that those who are vaccinated are more likely to become sick than their unvaccinated peers on any given day.
The cause of this sickness has not been determined, despite the constant media claims - given oxygen here too - whether explicit or implicit, that the cause is a "virus" - an entity which has never been either purified and shown to cause a discrete set of symptoms, or shown to be anything other than normal cellular effluvia.
And if a baseline virus has not been categorized, then it is absurd to go on to claim that there are "variants" of it.
A more likely explanation for this sort of mass sickness is that it partially coincides with the solar cycle, as such "epidemics" in the past are known to have done; and also that the human obsession with ever-more-deadly forms of electromagnetic radiation is also probably to a large extent responsible; and thus it is somewhat akin to suggesting that we all return to past strategies to deal with these situations such as enshrouding our heads in bird masks stuffed with fragrant herbs, as to issue "vaccine passports" to all and sundry; each strategy being of equal worth, ie zero, in dealing with the actual problem.
Right on, Vasko!
The likely reasons behind the push for vaccine mandates:
My friend or acquaintance who said why I didn't get hacksxxxinated told me he had the coronavirus after his booster...
These folks still call it a "vaccine " is problem one
I call it a hacksxxxxine from big Harma
The Harmaceuticals want your blood ...clotted
I know many who call it, "a medicine."
Removed from their posts and hanged from other ones.
Post Haste
Canadians still can't leave the country without a passport. (of the vaccine kind)
Vaxxed people will never be free of this plague. They no longer have immune systems that can fight for them. Ever again.
"officials like Ashwin Vasan, Anthony Fauci, and all of their ilk must be called out and removed from their posts."
And tried for their crimes.
Given this bureaucratic reflex brought all these woes upon our heads and given the criminal neglect of science I think the plan is to have perpetual crisis and one party rule.
In order to travel, take a cruise, etc you have to prove you’ve had the jab. So do you give to the totalitarians and try to enjoy your retirement or sit home and cry in your beer? Damn these people to hell!
I have traveled a lot of places and many don’t require vaccine proof!
Cruises still do however and the countries they go to. That’s the problem
All good data, Vasko. John Goss also confirms the malevolent nature of these people you pinpoint:
"either an incompetent halfwit or worse, a malevolent totalitarian"
A perfect resume for the pharma junk science profession which is public health.
There is a very good chance, not guaranteed, the vaccine will protect you from serious illness. Vaccines do not stop transmission.
Which is why you can get the Covid repeatedly.
We should recognize that all the graph tells us is that individuals are becoming sick contemporaneously as a result of some external factor, but that those who are vaccinated are more likely to become sick than their unvaccinated peers on any given day.
The cause of this sickness has not been determined, despite the constant media claims - given oxygen here too - whether explicit or implicit, that the cause is a "virus" - an entity which has never been either purified and shown to cause a discrete set of symptoms, or shown to be anything other than normal cellular effluvia.
And if a baseline virus has not been categorized, then it is absurd to go on to claim that there are "variants" of it.
A more likely explanation for this sort of mass sickness is that it partially coincides with the solar cycle, as such "epidemics" in the past are known to have done; and also that the human obsession with ever-more-deadly forms of electromagnetic radiation is also probably to a large extent responsible; and thus it is somewhat akin to suggesting that we all return to past strategies to deal with these situations such as enshrouding our heads in bird masks stuffed with fragrant herbs, as to issue "vaccine passports" to all and sundry; each strategy being of equal worth, ie zero, in dealing with the actual problem.