Great article, covers all the crimes and lies of the media. And that excerpt from Paul Craig Roberts, wow! That man is truly awake! Would love to see more of what he thinks, will check out his articles to.

As to the public living in the matrix, I hate to be pessimistic but I believe there is no way to cure this. I can say this from personal experience.

The movement against vaccines and the scamdemic was growing in a solid direction. First the Substacks were really hot like Berenson, Kirsch, and many others. Then the truckers in Canada formed and to me I witnessed the most beautiful three weeks of peaceful rebellion I will never see again. Then there was "talk" of American truckers, they took forever, and when they arrived in Washington, they played it "safe". It was an utter failure if you ask me. Who knew the Canadians would show more balls in such a situation? Not to mention this was also cemented when the Ukraine love affair began.

From there the momentum died down, and now the Substacks are not as hot, the people seem to have forgotten everything, and I believe are susceptible to fall for the next con the shadow government has ready for midterms. I hope I am wrong, but this is my gut feeling.

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No Substack article could possibly "cover all the crimes and lies of the media." It would take many shelf-feet of small print, law-library style, to do that. And if you're starting to realize how twisted the news is, just imagine what they've done with history.

None of this is new, it's just more extreme now. Rule by propaganda and manipulation is a long-standing norm. That's what "democracy" means.

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Yes I know, I read all of the hidden history the media ignores and even takes part in lying. It takes at-least a generation for all memory to be swept away on a large scale, with only remnants or minority groups seeking some form of truth, whether it was OKC Bombing, 9/11, Covid and many more things one can name.

The horrific part is, I believe that the average memory span in people are degrading at a faster speed. I have no way to prove this scientifically, but my gut and personal experience watching how the people digest and absorb events lead me to believe they have short-attention spans. Yes this is a cliche, but it cannot be farther from the truth. This memory degradation must be by design.

We can go back to the civil war and find that Lincoln was not what we've been told either but I believe it is best to delve from WWII and now. Hell, if you want we can talk about some propaganda techniques all the way back to Napoleon. But I digress, many tactics that one can observe from the scamdemic are almost mimicked in past events less than a hundred years ago.

Tactics in terms of propaganda, narratives, omissions, motives, war lies, etc. I believe some of it is even connected if one goes back to the Reagan era, Bush sr. administration, and their relation to the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about.

Things will only get worse if we give in totally. We are nothing but playthings for these government sickos.

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Great work!!!

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As I am helping Ukrainian refugees as we speak and have direct access to their experiences, it is interesting to see someone trying to turn terror bombing and an imperialist war into a debate about hard drives.

I understand that it can be hard to understand what motivates Putin to destroy the reputation and international standing of Russia on the battlefield of Ukraine, but that does not change the facts on the ground. Any handwaving and "see look here instead!" does not change that.

I am not sure if you even are a real person or some figment of an FSB officer's imagination, but regardless: You (or him) is actively supporting one of the most brutal wars in modern history. That makes you an accomplice in crimes against humanity. How you are able to live with that is beyond me.

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When lying liars lie.

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Brilliant. I share with friends who are like Charlie Brown attempting to kick the football Lucy always pulls away at the last second. Seems no matter how many times they land flat on their back, they're drinking the Kool-Aid again.

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It seems the only way you believe something is you have to experience it firsthand.

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Somewhat fascinating - but ironic - that VK writes "....Listen to what they have to say and learn the truth..." when one of the people he regularly points us towards is best noted for his book "The Noble Lie."

But let me put this Ukrainian situation into easily-digestible form for you.

The US is bankrupt, whether morally or economically makes no difference.

It sees its nemesis, China, coming full speed towards it.

What to do?

Usually, a re-run of a past strategy which served it well; and so if the US and its dual passport-holder controllers can destroy two of its competitors, ie Russia and the EU, by first getting them to destroy each other, then the US can come in on the back of that to "lend money" all round, a la "Confessions of an Economic Hitman," and take control of those two great powers, precisely as it did to the EU, or Europe as it was then, post WW2. Thus of course any talk of a resurgent and dynamic ruble as a replacement of the dollar will be consigned to history.

The US will by this means then be able to extend its provocations from threatening Russia, as it does today, to threatening China, as it will be able to do then. Obviously, any "Power of Siberia" deals will at that time fall by the wayside, and the entire playbook will recommence with China now in the crosshairs.

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There is no book "The Noble Lie" as you say. Mearsheimer cannot, therefore, be best know for it. He is by far best known for his book "The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy." He used the term Noble Lie in some of his lectures without morally endorsing this concept. What he meant by it is an untruth told by a leader that is not intended to benefit him personally but advance the interest (in the leader's view) of his nation. Measrsheimer uses this phase in a purely descriptive sense.

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Thank you for clarifying that point; however, this gentleman is most associated with the idea, whether he wrote a book about it or not.

But by using the term, he implicitly endorses it - otherwise he would call it "The disingenuous lie," or "The Self-Serving Lie", or some other descriptor.

He is using what is called circular logic, ie "whatever I say is noble is automatically noble, because I define what noble is, not you."

This kind of logic was best exemplified by Humpty Dumpty, who also had this worldview, when he explained to Alice - who questioned him as to the definition of a word he had used - "When I use a word, it means exactly what I decide it means, neither more nor less" - and that was supposed to be the end of it.

Unfortunately however, not even the frightening intelligence displayed by Humpty Dumpty can ever rationalise an oxymoron; ie it is never possible to describe a lie as noble.

Your explanation as to what he means by the term is redolent of his endorsement of it, but anybody entertaining such notions is immediately placing themselves in deep water, because they are presuming to know "what is in the best interest of the nation", and I would suggest that that is always telling the truth, because no man is wise enough to be able to modify what truth is even for himself - and even less so for those others whom his decision will inevitably impact.

Far better than telling a lie - which is forbidden by God - is simply to say nothing; although this is also called "lying by omission" and as such is also blameworthy.

Obviously, all that has to happen to somebody who tells one of these supposedly noble lies is that later circumstances reveal the fact that what he said was a lie - no matter the intent behind the lie - and so anything that person ever says again will be sullied with this past record of deceit.

As they say, "Once a liar, always a liar."

And thus, of course, the noble lies that the Ukrainian leadership told about the Bucha event, and the mass grave event, and the Kramatorsk event.

Doubtless they considered that these "noble lies" were told so as to ensure the continuation of their failed state through the imposition of a no-fly zone; but this seems increasingly less likely, not more likely, because anybody with a vestige of common sense realises what they are doing, and increasingly distrusts anything they are saying, western media collaboration notwithstanding.

And thus, anybody promoting the idea of the noble lie has clearly not thought the implications through sufficiently to be able to recommend this course of action to others.

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