Science and reason would work in a normal world. But the tyrants aren’t going to give up power easily.

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Yes, I agree. We need to continue pressing with the truth and organise ourselves to stop this irrationality.

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Nice article but this vaxx regime has nothing whatsoever to do with health outcomes.

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Jan 19, 2022Liked by Vasko Kohlmayer

We are not at the end of the road. They will never give up. They (Pfizer, Gates, and WEF) have gone to far to stop now. They will carry on regardless. None of it makes sense, and it doesn't seem to have to make sense or truly be scientific. They tell you what is science; don't believe what you see, but what I tell you. They are working on a vaccine for a Omicron, a variant that does not kill. Why would you do that? https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-provide-update-omicron-variant

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Yes, they will have to be forced to give it up.

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How about we stop calling them vaccines since they’re not. At best they’re therapeutics at worst poison

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This supposedly virally-mediated "pandemic" was never about a so called virus; the existence of which has never been demonstrated, nor has it been shown to cause illness - and this situation goes right back to the so called Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, whose aetiology seems to have been far more about the vaccinating of otherwise young and healthy males so that they could more successfully survive the rigours of trench warfare, and also about the recent introduction at that time a la Marconi of new forms of radiotelegraphy, the imposition of such electromagnetic pollution upon a naive public always having been correlated with "flu" pandemics, as has the regular eleven-year cycle of solar activity.

Accordingly therefore, pandemic mitigation measures have nothing whatsoever to do with science or medicine, but rather, they are to do with the imposition of draconian and totalitarian economic and societal controls which are to be used upon the population; and so articles such as this are completely misreading the situation if they advocate for the removal of these measures based upon a flawed medical perspective.

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Those with an unusually inquisitive and open-minded disposition might choose to look at this chart and ask themselves if the emergence of "covid-19" could possibly have been chosen to occur at this specific time, in view of my comments above about solar activity.

Surely not!

Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci aren't THAT clever, are they?


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Evidence for the association of pandemic "flu," bee colony collapse, sparrow genocide, and human bleeding disorders with the influenza of electromagnetism, not "viruses."


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End the hacksxxxine. Stop the evil viruganda. Shut down Big Harma

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