These are sick people: the CDC, FDA, TGA Australia, Fauci, Biden and the whole cabal of tyrants.

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So criminal. 😓

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They will not stop. There is nothing they won’t do to keep going. The evidence does not matter. The worse it gets, the harder they will push. It is past time to make them stop.

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The modern day equivalent of giving them over to Molech.

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Mr. Kohlmayer, I've followed your post at Lew Rock for a while and noticed your Substack account and joined today. Forgive me, I wasn't able to locate my reading glasses and thus errors may occur. I'm responding to Sacrificing Children to Covid Vaccine. I'm familiar with Mr. Ernest Ramirez, he's a twitter buddy and responded to a former post who also lost her child to the jab.

I know he's actively warming parents. I wrote the Eulogy for Sheri and your welcome to share it with others. My friend and mother to Sheri attempted suicide this past November. Yes, we are at a Red Alert Status: https://darelllong.com/lovely-13-year-old-dies-due-to-vaccination

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Thank you for this. Your eulogy to Sheri is very moving. I will try to link to it when I writing on the subject.

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Disturbing yet necessary read, Vasko. Injecting our precious children could only “make sense” in service of advancing a cruel dark agenda - something I know from your past writings you are well aware of. Keep up the fine work.

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At some point people can no longer plead ignorance as an excuse for going along with this. Many do not know because they do not care. Or their arrogance keeps them ignorant.

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If there is a Hell there is a long list of names for it. I hope each and every one of them is eventually held accountable

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Jan 8, 2022
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This is a very good development. Let's hope more doctor and health professionals will join in this.

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Praise God!

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