Betrayed by their government, with rampant media censorship of alternative therapies and no access to drugs like HCQ or IVR. Criminally negligent homicide.

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We won't discuss the criminal trx of the Other, the Palestine peoples' land Eretz shell zahav land of gold is occupied by the fake Jewish Demonacracy.

War crimes r us.

Another day another Nakba

Regards from a self hating jew

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I was born Jewish and grew up hearing stories of our people’s long heritage of victimization by cruel oppressors. I even joined a Zionist youth group in my teens. Only in my adult years have I studied the situation in Israel and been able to look objectively at the vicious acts of terror committed by their government supported in no small way by the US who by the way requires an oath from every member of Congress. Seeing the inhuman way Israel is treating their own people is not such a shock considering the way they have treated their neighbors. The trickery and propaganda used to force the jab on everyone over and over falls in line with the way this small nation has swayed the Western powers to provide them with unlimited power along with unearned sympathy. I recommend for anyone who wants to know the true history of this great deception to look into the Protocol of the Elders of Zion, the Balfour Declaration, the Stern Gang and much more that demonstrates the criminal side of “God’s Chosen People”.

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Mass murder by the State.

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