
A professional disagreement rests in this interview with Dr. Kotkin - you cannot ignore what he posits here.

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Yookraine is part of Russia

Like the cranium is part of your head

They told us all we can just go ahead and peel the fucking skin and flesh off our skulls, no problems there as our eyes might still stay in their sockets or else we can just

Stuff our eyeballs into our socks

I hope Russia blows up every last fucking bioweapons labs

Goddammm tired of this jail shit

They turned the whole world into a jail

Now that ain't just rhetoric nor metaphor

Think about it

I hope Russia can blow up every last bioweapons lab.

Maybe the ones they don't strike will shut their doors in haste to avoid more damage to Womanity

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Please no curse words.

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Are you serious? If your tired of jails, wait for a Russian one... I mean, Russia isn't a solution for your problems. She can make things worse, but she won't give you your freedum.

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Mar 14, 2022
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Let's try to avoid such language.

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No problem

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First they came for my grammar

Speak freely

Rock on

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I gather you were suppressed? You know where to find me, Grasshopper. You are welcome to air your opinion there.

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Some one wanted no cursing

Sent to another commentor

Thanks for your sentiment

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I think this is the next act in the WEF horror film. When I say WEF, that includes the US Federal Government, as they seem to be basically the same entity. For sure, our “intelligence” services appear to be either steering the WEF or are being steered by WEF.

Ukraine is not NATO, and that is a good thing. Otherwise there would be an obligation to act in their defense. It has always been in a completely indefensible position in regard to Russian aggression. In Russia’s defense, knowing what we now know about the US Federal Government, blatantly illegitimate, grotesquely corrupt, and criminally insane, I can see why any country would want to maintain a safe distance from the US and NATO allies. If that is even possible…On the other hand, I can see why the people in power here in the US would want to maintain the Ukraine status quo, so that they could continue to steal from their own citizens via Ukraine “aid”. Especially that family from Delaware.

Countries on the Russian border should be looking to distance themselves from NATO and the corrupt US and try to maintain a more neutral posture. Your allies probably aren’t coming to help anyway. They’ll just send some surplus and call it good. You would not want today’s US involved in anything to do with your security.

There may be a flood of Biden/Obama/Kerry/Clinton damaging “Russian Disinformation” coming out of an overthrown Ukraine. If the WEF propaganda outlets (all of our major broadcast news in the US fall under this umbrella, add CBC, BBC, DW, etc) are telling us there are BSL3 and BSL4 labs in Ukraine that could fall into Russian hands, they are doing so based on direction from our five eyes “intelligence community”. One can imagine a number of scenarios that would play out based on this revelation, such as a domestic release of a more lethal than previous SARSCoV2 concoction A/B/C/D/F pathogen under the cover of “It came from the Russian invasion of Ukraine”. I was betting on “Retaliatory Russian Hackers” disappearing all of our financial markets. They sure have come in handy when the left needed a cover story recently. Maybe they will do both just in time for a dark winter.

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Enjoy parroting Putin's propaganda tidbits, Vasko? Why?

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Just look please at the videos embedded in the post. The speakers are certainly not Putin's stooges. They are serious scholars who tell the truth.

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Looking serious and speaking the truth are two separate things. How do you know they are speaking the truth? But the list of events you have provided is very removed from truth, although I don’t doubt your seriousness.

Sorry, that was Jestre this morning with his list, I take that back. And he’s dead serious too.

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Have you listened to what they had to say?

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You’ve intrigued me, I will and report back... if you don’t mind. Usually the point is, some nations do not deserve freedom or existence, esp when other nations want to trade with the aggressor. Worked every time in the past, so why not this time. But I will listen.

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OK, as I expected - waste of time. Here are this useful idiot's sounding points:

We are encouraging Ukrainians to think they will ultimately become part of the West. Ukrainians are playing along and “unwilling to compromise with the Russians”. Result: Ukrainians “will play tough with Russia and instead want to pursue a hardline policy” and will get wrecked by Russia. What is so “hardline” about Ukraine not wanting to be co-opted by Russia and merely exist? It is Russia’s ultimate goal to co-opt Ukraine and leave no trace of anything Ukrainian in its borders, make no mistake about it. How do I know? Because Putin says it every blinking day! Why is Putin so adamant about it? Because, as Brzezinski said, without Ukraine Russia is not an empire. You think Putin is dumb enough to not know it? What is that envisioned “compromise with Russia”? Crazy talk. If Russians want you dead, where is the middle ground? Cut off our legs and leave us alive?

His solution: “neutralize” Ukraine and build it up economically. Time is on our side and we’ll ultimately defeat Russia in this way. Result: Ukraine will be let be by Russia. This is an insane conclusion – why would Russia sit idly and watch this happen? This is exactly what the West was pursuing since 1991 (Ukraine was denied entry to NATO for 30+ years, ditto EU) and this is exactly what perspired now – wrecking of Ukraine as the result. Thanks for nothing!

This "expert" is anything but. Can your honestly reply to my points? About "neutralizing" Ukraine, appeasing Russia in this way, Russia letting it happen and wait for no way back into the empire status, Russian strategic goals and everything else? In face of the reality?

The other "useful idiot" is saying Ukraine is the dagger pointing to the heart of Mother Russia and NATO is encircling Russia (with the help of the Baltics and Poland too). He'll eventually say "good riddance" to those states as well as they "endanger" Russia's perceived sense of "security". Is there anything more blatantly pro-Russian than that? What kind of arguments are these? Unless you are mentally firmly in the 19th century's age of empires?

Sure Ukraine, by its geographic location, is to the south of Moscow. So, this is the argument to deny Ukraine existence? On the other hand, Russia is encircling Kyiv (look at the map) - shouldn't Russia be denied existence because of that?

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Found my longer comment on the other "expert" (went to the wrong forum):

The other crook is saying it's a tragedy what is happening in Ukraine, and Putin is not to blame. Somehow going back to 2014 is all that needs to be done to understand the 400 year history. "Ukraine is a dagger pointing toward Moscow? " "Unacceptable to Russia?!" Therefore, Russia is in its right denying Ukraine existence.

Who's going to hit Russia or Moscow? Romania? Turkey? Ukraine itself?

Russia wanted Ukraine to be neutral? He's insane, this other "expert". Why? Listen to what Putin espouses every day (even this green screen speech: https://youtu.be/sih429WN0gg). Oh, don't listen to Putin, listen to him? Because Putin means nothing he says? He's white and fluffy, deep down? Give me a break. Another useful idiot, or worse.

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Watched the whole Mearscheimer video a while back but the Jim Richardson one was 🤯 thank you for posting all these incredible minds. Sharing like a mad woman here. Praying for Peace and to be left alone. I feel like the powerful just can’t leave us alone. Why? I’m feeling existential crisis here…what in the fuck are we even doing on this planet, are we just their play things? Do we even have free will? OMG

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Mar 14, 2022
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Yes, exactly.

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